In Online Debate, You Can Be Right or You Can Be Effective
As you engage in debate online in 2019, keep in mind the Backfire Effect which causes people to hold views more strongly when challenged by evidence. MRI’s show that contrary evidence doesn’t reach the reason pathways in the brain at all, only the emotional. To counter this, either lead with affirmation to separate the personal from the informational so that changing one’s mind doesn’t upset one’s sense of identity. Or get in-group messengers so the oxytocin produced by feelings of belonging allows for openness. The Backfire Effect is the mirror image of Confirmation Bias, and the two act in concert before any potentially upsetting information can reach the conscious mind. So don’t think others are stupid if they can’t see your point. In fact, their unconscious is quick and deadly for any data that you offer which might undermine their identity homeostasis. If you care about reaching them more than you care about being right, then put down that hammer, pick up some knitting needles, and start stitching.